Sun, good food, a rich cultural heritage, beautiful sceneries, and a warm welcome. 

Learning Spanish will open up a new world of experiences for you!

Seven more reasons to learn the language of The Camino (The Way of St James):

1. Spanish is the second language for international communication, with over 500 million speakers across the world.

2. Spanish is spoken in four of the G20 countries, thus making our common language an essential tool for business.

3. Speaking Spanish enables you to travel across 20 Spanish-speaking countries and discover the culture and the great variety of its cuisine.

4. Spanish follows English as the second most prevalent language on the internet.

5. The "Languages for the Future 2013" report states that Spanish is the most widely needed foreign language in all spheres. It is the easiest to learn, to speak, and it opens doors to learning other Romance languages.

6. Studying and practicing Spanish increases problem-solving skills, and improves memory and mental sharpness.

7. Spain is considered the most biodiverse country in the European Union. It has the second highest number of locations declared UNESCO World Heritage sites in the world. Spain is the third most popular destination for visitors across the globe.

"7 reasons to learn Spanish", Instituto Cervantes in Dublin, 2.017.


Learn Spanish and enjoy our Galician witches' stories or discover what an “hórreo” is; investigate why Galicians are so undecided and start to use the “it depends” answer; find out the life of our actor Luis Tosar or listen to Rosalía de Castro’s poems; learn how to cook an octopus or the secret recipe of our coffee liqueur; discuss if Cristobal Colón was Galician or not (he was!); experience our music and our fashion (Amancio Ortega is also Galician!), etc.


Attend a surprise master class with Íñigo de la Quadra-Salcedo, from “Ruta Quetzal”; discover the smell of our Woods and what a “batea” is; see the sand banks of the Ría of Arosa, they produce clams, cockles, razor clams, and other types of shellfish; learn what our forests are made of or why so many dolphins and even whales come to swim in our water. Learn, enjoy and love nature!

Spanish classes are from Monday to Friday (9:45 to 13:00)